Maps & Networks - Ideas Development - 'Why is ___ so?'
I was looking into different maps and how people map data through maps of the world and found Randal Orlsons map which he uses Googles automated answers on their search bar and created a map of the US stating what the most popular Google search result was.
I found this idea really interesting and chose to create my own based on the cities and towns of the UK.
Why is ______ so?
into google, gives you the most popular search

As you can see this took a while to search them and then match them up with the geographical area on the map too.
I really found this to be interesting and began to think of ways that I could develop this into an installation piece.
A few ideas sprouted:
Creating a physical map made from materials based on the word for the specific town i.e. popular could have lots of squished human figures, cold - could be a frozen segment and cheap could be made from poor mans materials.
Creating a physical map which is textured, projection mapping onto the piece. The mapping animation could show the different segments same as the first idea.
Creating a physical map which changes and show various things such as the previous idea and then look into more data and statistics which can be visually represented.
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