Phrases and Buzz words


“For me it’s different because I’m at that point where I’m taking back my life and doing what I wanna do so I guess now I have more free will than I maybe did in the past”

Q - Do you feel like you follow a system?

A - “No I consider myself unique and I always go above and beyond, I think of my fellow man or look at life in a different way and try to do that in everything I do so I have tried to conform the system I realise I don’t and I’m proud of it now”

Q - When was the last time you were told what to do?

A - “The last time I was told what to do, I guess yesterday at work but that was part of what work was, so I needed to do something it’s a temporary job and its new so it’s a part of the instruction than um just doing it yeah”

Q - Why do you think they specifically told you to do it?

A - “It’s what I was hired for and they knew even though it was doing a stock take a blind stock take they knew that I would do it right so yeah”

Q - When is the last time you were told what to do?

A - “Two months ago, to put my washing up in the washing machine”

Q - Did you do what you were told?

A - “Yeah I did what I was told”

Q - Why do you think the people that told you told you to do it?

A - “Because my mum was busy and she wanted me to do it”

Q - When was the last time you weren’t told what to do?

A - “About two months ago”

Q - Do you think you conform?

A - “Yeah I think I can copy anyone else”

Q - Do you think you have free will?

A - “I don’t think I have a choice to do whatever I want only sometimes

Q - Do you remember the last advert you saw?

A - N/A

Q - Do you think your phone dictates your daily choices?

A - “Yes, it does and it makes me I think it’s something interesting just to look at”

Q - Do you care what you look like?

A - “I don’t really care what I look like”

Q - Why don’t you think you care what you look like?

A - “Because I think I shouldn’t really be worrying about what I look like or people think”

Q - Do you think Farnham is generic or unique?

A - “I think Farnham’s unique, I don’t know but it’s just different and I don’t know what to say”


Q When’s the last time you were told what to do?
A I guess like just right now actually, handing in risk assessments and stuff.

Q Who told you do to do that?
A The production co-ordinator.

Q Did you do as you were told?
A Yeah yeah I did as I was told, the production co-ordinator told me to do the risk assessments, and I did those risk assessments.

Q Why do you think they told you to do that?
A Because otherwise it would seem unprofessional. They told me to do it because it seems unprofessional if I don’t do it.

Q When’s the last time you weren’t being told what to do?
A I guess anytime I’m in my house like just doing what I want I guess like I don’t get told what to do then like, make a cup of tea? Make it.

Q Do you think you conform?
A I think everyone conforms to be honest like if you’re past of a society it’s like impossible not to conform really.

Q Do you think you have free will?
A I think like there’s a balance between having free will and not having free will, like social contracts of sorts I guess.

Q Do you drive?
A No I don’t fuck cars.

Q What’s the last advert you saw?
A Fuck I don’t even watch TV. Last avert? Probably some shit on Spotify I fuckin’ hate, I dunno, yeah like selling me a phone or something.

Q Does your phone dictate your daily choices?
A No because it’s so fucking old I can’t get on anything which is great actually.

Q Do you care about what you look like?
A Yeah, well I think everyone cares about what they look like to an extent, even without realising it to be honest.

Q Why do you care?
A I think it’s kind of like, well there’s actually an interesting thing called ‘the other’ which is a theory about how self-conscious only exists because of other things that exist in the world, so if nothing else around you in the world existed you wouldn’t be self-conscious because you wouldn’t have anything to kind of think about like their reactions to you like subconsciously so like anywhere if you’re like in the middle of a desert you can’t be self-conscious because there’s nothing judging you anywhere but obviously in a society like that’s just people everywhere, cameras as well, I guess yeah that’s why.

Q Do you think Farnham is stuck in a routine?
A Yes, yes, it is, like stick in its rural ways and not willing to accept the modern like world like I guess in comparison it’s like it’s very kind of like it’s not willing place to accept students like which is kind of ironic ‘specially art students and I find that very kind of like disheartening when I came here actually not realising how fucked up rural places are in terms of like really standardise things like especially in like multi culturalism that really bothers me.

Q Final question is does this make Farnham generic or does it make it unique?

A Oh what it being kind of rural and stuff? Nah it’s like the most fucking generic place you can get like like literally like everywhere that ive ever been that’s like rural is like the same and like I think that’s like a very obvious sign to like very traditional British values that kind of exist throughout Britain almost like if you go to like Farnham or go anywhere else like Farnham really like where did I go the other day? Fuck. Basically, anywhere in Farnham to be honest but um yeah I think they exist everywhere like even where I live in Bournemouth and there’s a placed called Ringwood near me at that’s exactly the same. I think it’s ‘cause it’s such a small community it’s like they’re not willing to accept that kind of like step but obviously, London is such a like a huge place that it can’t really have a singular community so it’s just like a mesh of everything really which I like more to be honest like yeah.


Q When’s the last time you were told what to do?
A Told? What do you mean told what to do?

Q Like when someone gives you an instruction
A That was probably this morning

Q Who told you what to do?
A The IT director

Q Did you do as you were told?
A I thought about it but I suppose I did well actually yeah okay

Q Why do you think they told you to do this thing?
A ‘Cause they were being told to do something, the book was passed down by the Vice Chancellor when he says, when the VC says do something you have to do it

Q When’s the last time you weren’t told what to do?
A The last time I wasn’t being told what to do was this morning. I’m pretty well self-directed most of the time so I only occasionally have people telling me what to do. Most of the time I’m pretty well my own agent.

Q Do you think you conform?
A Mostly

Q Do you think you have free will
A Yes

Q Have you ever skipped a red light?
A No

Q What’s the last advert you remember seeing?
A The last advert I remember seeing was an advert for Bitcoin

Q Does your phone dictate you daily choices?
A No. In fact it’s on my desk charging at the moment

Q Do you care what you look like?
A Some of the time, not when it’s freezing cold

Q Why is that?
A Practicality will be paramount

Q Do you think Farnham is stuck in a routine?
A Probably

Q Because of this routine do you think Farnham is generic or unique?
A I don’t know. 


Q:So, when’s the last time you were told what to do?
A: That’s a hard question. The last time someone told me what to do. Probably my mum, saying like through the phone, you should eat well because I was getting sick and yeah but. Is that what you want?

Q: Did you do as you were told?
A: No I did not do what I was told.

Q: When’s the last time you weren’t being told what to do?
A: Sorry?
Q: When was the last time you weren’t being told what to do?
Q: Like you were doing things for yourself, rather than someone telling you to do stuff.
A: Last time someone told me not what to do was…That’s a kinda tricky question because in the end there’s also someone, like, because we’re in uni all the tutors are always like asking you to do something. You probably do the opposite. Yeah like my tutors are always like “oh you should do your project now” and I’m focusing on my dissertation So I’m like I’m focusing on my dissertation right now so.

Q: Do you think you conform?
Q: Like follow the rules?
A: No I don’t think I conform. Like my parents want me to be someone and I don’t want to be that person so I’m just enjoying my thing right now.

Q: Do you think you have free will?
A: Free will… Yeah, I believe we have a free world. But that’s kinda. We have to kinda compromise. So you kinda do you thing but you have to kinda stick to the rules sorta but yeah.

Q: What’s the last advert you saw? Like could be a poster?
A: The last advert I saw was on facebook. I mean, adverts are kind of like everywhere like Spotify, youtube, any social media and we are always in social media so yeah.

Q: Does your phone dictate your daily choices?
A: No, I don’t believe my phone dictates my daily choices,

Q: How so? Why not?
A: Because… We are dependent on the phone but, we only go for on the phone we just have a things we have to do. It’s not like the phone is telling us what to do. We just ask the phone what we doing.

Q: Do you care what you look like?
A: Yeah! I do care what we look like. Yeah, that’s a normal thing isn’t it?
Q: Why?
A: Because… how we present to each other. That’s our first impressions and our first impressions are very important. No matter what people say “you shouldn’t judge people by the first impression.

Q: Do you ever think Farnham is stuck in a routine?
A: Yes, Farnham is stuck in a routine. There’s nothing happening here.

Q: So, do you think it’s generic or unique?
A: I think just like Farnham is really like, from other places that I’ve been, I’ve been like in big cities before coming here, and I find like. Unique for the part of that, it’s that everyone, It’s like a community. Like while in a big capital no one like acknowledges each other. But In Farnham you kinda know everyone. So it’s kinda weird and creepy but it’s like comforting at the same time.


Q:  When’s the last time you were told what to do?
A: That’s a weird question. I’m not sure, probably by my ex-boyfriend, telling me not to go to university. But here I am.

Q: Why do you think he told you not to go to university?
A: Because he was a controlling twat. Can I swear (laughter).

Q: When’s the last time you weren’t being told what to do?
A: Probably when I was with him. I don’t know. My parents don’t really tell me what to do anymore.

Q: Do you think you conform to societal expectations?
A: I suppose in some ways, but I guess in lots of ways we kinda feel like we have to?

Q: Do you think you have free will?
A: Yes… Because I can make choices and nothing can stop me from making those choices.

Q: What’s the last advert you saw?
A: Probably ads on facebook for clothes.

Q: Does your phone dictate you daily choices?
A: In a way because I check it quite often.

Q: Do you care about what you look like?
A: Yes, because I worry too much about what people think of me.

Q: Do you ever think Farnham is stuck in a routine?
A: I don’t know I don’t know Farnham that well.

Q: So, at your first glance of it, would you say it is a generic or unique town?
A: I’d say quite unique because I’ve never been to a place like this. I haven’t travelled much. It’s quite cute.
Q - When was the last time you were told what to do?

A - “The last time I was told what to do was when all of my friends had a go at me to fix my sleeping schedule because I go to sleep at 4 in the morning and I wake up at 3 in the afternoon”

Q - Did you do as you were told?

A - “No, no I didn’t do as I was told

A - “They told me to fix my sleeping schedule because they go to work really early in the morning and they leave me here cause I haven’t got a job

Q - When was the last time you weren’t being told what to do?

A - “The last time someone wasn’t telling me what to do was when I moved out
No one told me what to do it was nice

Q - Do out ink you conform?

A - “I don’t think I conform no”

Q - why?

A - “Because I try and do everything off what society kind of like “expects” yeah”

Q - Do you think you have free will?

A - “Yes and no, I kind of think I have free will but I don’t because of laws        
And like different people telling me what I can and can’t do because of like based on their social opinions

Q - What was the last advert you remember?

A - “The last advertisement I remember seeing was for wish on Facebook

 Q - Does your phone dictate what you do?

A - “My phone definitely does dictate my daily choices cause I’m on it every single day and if I get invited to an event on Facebook I’ll go if I don’t I don’t go”

Q - Do you care what you look like?

A - “Yeah I care what I look like cause I don’t wanna look like a tramp 24/7 Id like to look nice every now and again and not walk around in my pyjamas constantly”

Q - Do you think Farnham is stuck in a routine?

A - “Yeah I think Farnham is stuck in a routine its full of old people and it you know they kinda give you judging looks because we’re young”

Q - Is Farnham generic or unique?

A - “Id say Farnham is the generic old people’s town for posh people

Q - Why do you think old people don’t like us because we are young?

A - “Because we were what like brought up differently so like all of our opinions are a lot different to what they too brought up to believe like homosexuality and everything like that they got brought up by their parents to be told it wasn’t wrong and gay sex got told it was wrong and it’s not”


Q - Everything is leant behaviour

Q - You have no free will essentially

A – “You have free will but with consequences

A – “You have free will the lights don’t stop you there’s no barrier you bust through them if you want however you will face consequences so you have free will but not without ramifications if you decide that you don’t want to do what society tells you to do”

Q - Is the ramification not society telling you, you don’t have free will though?

A – “I would say the ramifications is society telling you that the choice you’ve made is wrong not that you don’t have the free will to do it cause otherwise it’d stop you doing it completely”

- Okay but if you murder someone?

A – “Its punishment not prevention

Q - But if you murder someone you go to jail for life and then you’re stuck in there and then where’s your free will to do what you want in jail?

A – “That’s why we should have the death penalty”

Q - So the death penalty you say would you not feel bad if someone got deathed if they weren’t guilty

A – ‘That’s why they should only assign the death penalty if its beyond reasonable doubt”

Q - So for the other people who aren’t going to jail for murder that don’t have beyond reasonable doubt

A – “It’s still a punishment there are certain human rights that you’re not allowed to have while you’re in jail such as the right to vote and right to roam free”

Q - So no free will in jail? 

A – “Yeah because you fucked up basically”

A – “Just because you want to do it doesn’t mean it’s always right

Q - Do you think we are under a lot of surveillance in Farnham compared to other areas?

A – “In Farnham it depends where you look we have a lot of we have stuff like jewellery shops and that which will have cameras obviously watching us however there is a very low amount of traffic cameras and camera controlled red lights around here so on one hand we’ve got more that can be used to watch us but not necessarily is unless there is designed to watch us as we go about our business we don’t have many camerad red lights here which is good for me because my reaction times are absolutely shit”

Q - So do you feel like you’re being watched ever in Farnham?

A – “Only by the old people”

Q - Why do you think they’re watching you?

A – “Because we look different weren’t not middle class white people we’ve got funny colour hair I dunno might be snogging a girl who knows ad they’ll look at you plus its human nature to look at someone who’s moving whenever someone walks into a class room after class has started everyone automatically turns around and looks not cause they’re judging but because they’re moving and their in motion they’re looking at what you’re doing judging you or not judging you depending on what kind of asshole they are”

Q - So everyone’s an asshole?

A – “Everyone’s an asshole until proven otherwise, especially in Farnham”

Q - What do you think adverts are trying to say?

A – “I dunno I think adverts as in I know adverts are designed to appeal to what you think you should be so if you think you should be skinny and beautiful you will see skinny and beautiful girls wearing beautiful clothes”


Q: When were you last told what to do?
A: The last time somone told me what to do was when Brodie told me to tidy my room.

Q: Did you do as you were told?
A: No I didn’t do as I was told.

Q: Why do you think Brodie told you to tidy your room?
A: I think Brodie told me to tidy my room because it was a very big mess and she couldn’t walk inside it.

Q: When was the last time you weren’t being told what to do?
A: The last time I wasn’t told what to do was this morning.

Q: Do you think you conform?
A: Do I what, what?
Q: Do you think you conform, follow the rules?
A: Yes, I conform.

Q: Do you have free will?
A: Yes, I have free will.
Q: Why?
A: I have free will because, I’m old enough to make my own decisions.

Q: What’s the last advert you remember seeing?
A: The last advert I remember seeing was the John Lewis Christmas advert.

Q: Does your phone dictate your daily choices?
A: No, my phone does not dictate my daily choices.
Q: Why?
A: Because not everything is on my phone.

Q: Do you care about what you look like?
A: Sometimes I care about what I look like.
Q: Why?
A: Because… people judge you.

Q: Do you ever think Farnham is stuck in a routine?
A: No, I don’t think Farnham is stuck in a routine?

Q: Is Farnham generic or unique?
A: As in the people or the place?

Q: The people are the place.
A: I think Farnham is quite generic because it is very similar to other places as everyone goes to work and has structured routines.

Words and phrases - audio act 1 

 I don’t think I have a choice to do whatever I want only sometimes

it’s like impossible not to conform really

everyone conforms

yeah like selling me a phone or something

there’s actually an interesting thing called ‘the other’ which is a theory about how self-conscious only exists because of other things that exist in the world

not willing to accept the modern

I only occasionally have people telling me what to do

I did not do what I was told

in the end there’s also someone

You probably do the opposite

No I don’t think I conform

I believe we have a free world

We have to kinda compromise

stick to the rules

adverts are kind of like everywhere

we are always in social media

I don’t believe my phone dictates my daily choices

There’s nothing happening here

It’s like a community

But In Farnham you kinda know everyone

nothing can stop me from making those choices

I worry too much about what people think of me

I didn’t do as I was told

I haven’t got a job

No one told me what to do it was nice

I don’t think I conform

I have free will but I don’t because of laws        

different people telling me what I can and can’t do

I care what I look like

Farnham is stuck in a routine

Farnham is the generic old people’s town

You have free will but with consequences

You have free will the lights don’t stop you there’s no barrier you bust through them if you want however you will face consequences so you have free will but not without ramifications if you decide that you don’t want to do what society tells you to do

the ramifications is society telling you that the choice you’ve made is wrong

you don’t have the free will

Its punishment not prevention

Just because you want to do it doesn’t mean it’s always right

cameras obviously watching us

unless there is designed to watch us as we go about our business

weren’t not middle class white people

Everyone’s an asshole until proven otherwise, especially in Farnham

adverts are designed to appeal to what you think you should be so if you think you should be skinny and beautiful you will see skinny and beautiful girls wearing beautiful clothes

I didn’t do as I was told

Yes, I conform

Yes, I have free will

I have free will because, I’m old enough to make my own decisions.

my phone does not dictate my daily choices

not everything is on my phone

people judge you

The people are the place

everyone goes to work and has structured routines

the people or the place

I don’t think Farnham is stuck in a routine

John Lewis Christmas advert


I wasn’t told what to do

a very big mess

told me what to do


everyone automatically turns around and looks

they’re looking at what you’re doing

they’re judging

its human nature to look

used to watch us



jewellery shops

you look

you fucked up


human rights

you’re not allowed

the right

it was wrong

to be told

all of our opinions are a lot different


every single day


social opinions


they go to work

They told me to

I wake up

I go to sleep

I was told what to do


I can make choices

we kinda feel like we have to

tell me what to do

Can I swear



Farnham is stuck in a routine

we present to each other



social media




my desk


you have to do it

being told to do something

What do you mean told what to do

it can’t really have a singular community

a mesh of everything

a small community

obvious sign

the most fucking generic place

standardise things

people everywhere cameras as well

in a society

there’s nothing judging



you in the world

without realising

I don’t even watch TV


you’re part of a society

I don’t get told what to do

I can copy

temporary job

it’s a part of the instruction

to conform the system


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