Documentary Ideas

Firstly, there are many parameters which as a group we have to consider before coming up with any ideas. After discussing what parameters we might encounter; we decided that keeping our documentary local will be the best option, it will allow us to spend more time and less money on our idea which should hopefully benefit us as having some limitations already in place will help condense our ideas down to a final idea a lot easier. We also discussed keeping away from using/having children in our idea because this will add a lot more paperwork which we wouldn't have to deal with otherwise.

One idea which came to mind was to choose a common name and speak out to the public to see if there are anymore similarities between the people with the same name and potentially look into some form of psychology behind it. After discussing this idea briefly we decided that a expository documentary approach would suit this idea. 

Another initial idea was to look through old The Farnham Herald newspaper archives and hopefully find a story or a piece of history which we could show through poetic documentary style. I went to the Farnham museum for inspiration on this and found a painting by John Verney called Tree Lopping Beasts. This painting was inspired by a woman called Dorathea St. Hill Bourne who wrote to the Herald as a protest against the cutting down of the trees in her street. 


As a group, we sat down and brain stormed some initial ideas and spoke about how they might look visually. This is the mind map we created today. 

We considered the practicalities of our ideas during the tutorial and which ideas we would like to continue further into the research and development stage.

Favourite ideas so far:

  • Reading and the music scene (location: Purple turtle)
  • The void - questions 
  • Similar people, same name


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