Eye Gif Experiment

For my video I want a duel screen which one side will show GPS tracking to reveal and eye. I wanted to create an eye which was easily recognizable as an eye so I used a Big Brother TV program logo as a "stencil". 

I created my eye then add the timeline to the bottom on Photoshop and started a Stop Frame Animation and I started by turning on each blue dot for each frame so they were added one dot at a time. 

Once I had created my animation I thought about the length of my video so I calculated that if the video was around 5 minutes long my animation needed to have each frame be 5 seconds. 

I still haven't decided on what format or GPS map I want for my graphic so I have chosen the two that I like the most which is the simplistic cartoonish map and the satellite map. 

I also want my animation to "wink" so I started by creating each stage of the blink then turning off the ones I didn't want for each frame.

These are my gifs, I will still need to fine tune them and figure out if I can import a gif into a composition for my duel screen. 


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